So so so so so so lucky~~~ :D ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I'll try to describe that night as detailed as possible!! XD Oh and every time I say "we" it's Yifang and me. LOL.We came at 4h PM. (first in line LOL). Then, it was the meet and greet and omfgggg ~ I couldn't even look at Thomas LOL O_O
When Terry came out, we "flapped" the pictures Yifang printed and Sean said: Ouuuuuh. ~~~
Us: KYAAAAH > w < *blush blush* ♥
Then we went to see them to get autographs & pictures~
(P.S.: He loved my drawing!! :) ♥ )
My face was twitching and I couldn't NOT SMILE LOOOL. (<- Same for Yifang XD)
We were so damn happy :D:D:D:D
Then, Yohan and Thomas came and we asked for pictures ^^
Yohan said: Take one with him first *wink wink*
(AWW SO SWEET~ ; U ; ♥ I'm so lucky to have an oppa like him hihi ~ )
So I took a picture with Thomas > w <
Then with Yohan and he said: She's my sister~~ (AWW ; U ; ♥ )
We waited and waited, oh and we got some chocolates since we were the first in line hahaha ~~
Then we went inside and waited for another 1h. Was pretty long =_=
The show started, Funky Kids, Anny & Elmy :D and... others LOL.
At the break, I went to see Anny to give her the fansign :D And I met Thomas and Yohan again haha ~ with Joon this time :) ♥
Then we went to see Terry to ask him when he was gonna perform and he said he was last. And Yifang pranked him *facepalm* LOL.
After the break, W performed :D, Jay Legaspi, Young Avz & much more other talented performers!
When Terry came on stage, we "flapped" the fansigns and he saw us!! He pointed at us and laughed ~ > U < ♥
Then he told everyone to come near the stage. We RUSHED LIKE CRAZY LOL. (and I forgot my camera on my chair D: Fortunately, Laurent took it. Thank you Lolo!! )
Terry and Sean sang ET? and after that, Terry said: Who's the one who made the "Marry Me Terry" fansign?
me: O_O ME ME ME *flaps*
Terry: Come on stage :D
Me: OMFG O: !!!! <- At that point, my heart was BEATING LIKE CRAZYYYYY! ♥ ♥ ♥
I went on stage and he asked me my name, I said Cathsu :D
He was like: Ohhhh Cathsuuu! (Probably because of the drawing hahaha ~~)
Then he took my hand and we went off stage. (<- I was gonna faint LOLL) ♥ ♥
Terry: I dunno how to dance but I'll try~
Me: HUH??? What @_@ uh me neither!!! O A O;;;
Terry: It doesn't matter just follow me! ^^
He took my hand again and we went on stage. And he took my hands and put them around his neck AHHHH ~~~~~ I was gonna DIEEEE. Seriously. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
We danced a slow with Sean singing & playing guitar ~ > w < GYAH.
And Terry kept saying sweeeeet stuff like "Are you okay?" and "Do you like it?^^" GYAHHHH OF COURSE I LIKE IT!!!!!! LOL. ♥ ♥
Then he said: "Ready for the spin?" *spins* LOL. ~~
[I'm still blushing when I think about it hihihi ~ ♥ ]
Then he accompanied me off stage and started to sing? (I dunno, was too excited at that point LOL) with Sean.
Then, Ed came and gave me "MUSIC NEVER SLEEPS" Jason Chen's tshirt! With his autograph!! O:
Omg, that was the night of my life. Seriously.
After the show, I talked a while with Yohan and he kept pushing me to see Thomas hehehe ~ XD I took a picture with both of them with my fansign~ Oh and they received roses.
The girl who gave the roses said: You like this better eh?? *points at the flowers*
Thomas: No, I like this better :) *points at the fansign* HEHEHEHEHE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I was gonna faint 1327687430946 times LOL. :) :) :) :) ♥
Then we got home and Skyped with Yohan hahahaha ~ for 1h23 O: *snap shots LOL*
We slept at 3h AM smt and woke up at 1 PM O A O;; LOL. At first I thought it was 7h LOLL. ~~
I'm never gonna forget that night. Ever. ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh and Ed told me Terry told him I was CUTE. *KYAHHH* ~~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jam4Japan !!!!!
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