Short Hairstyle Anyone?

I wanna cut my hair soooo badly. Urgh. I've got so much and it's so damn long :(
Spending so much time on washing/blow drying/brushing my hair, I hate it.

So I was thinking of cutting my hair after prom, for cegep.
And I was going through short hairstyle cuts :) Here are some of the styles I find pretty cute.

Hebe Tian

Sunye - Wonder Girls

I don't particularly like Paris Hilton but her hairstyle is pretty.

This entry was posted on 4/21/11. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “Short Hairstyle Anyone?”

  1. euuuh jallais venir post about mon hairstyle aussi... LOL

    pi tas pas post la foto de la coiffure de lautre yifang O:

  2. lolwut XD On est definitivement linked man O_O
    ahhh jai forgot D:

    lol cq
