
It's been so long... almost a year.
Recently, my friend asked me something about my other friend, who's one of my best friends, if she was okay or something because she saw the stuff she wrote here. I said yeah... but then, I felt uneasy... what if she wasn't okay, but I didn't know about it because she didn't tell me. I dunno. Kinda felt betrayed? It was like that time. Worst thing is to know something about your best friend through a person that practically doesn't know her... It's like that other time, when we went to Vancouver and that girl told us something about our best friend that we didn't even know. I think I cried. We were in a bus. So it lead me here. When I read what she wrote, I knew everything she was talking about. And it made me happy, but sad at the same time. Happy because I know she trusts me enough to tell me her problems, but sad because I don't wanna see her like this. Ah... I hope she'll be alright.

On another note, I feel like I don't know what to do later on. My friend was telling me we're gonna get married like... in a few years. We probably know the person by now... Oh god. I hope I'll meet better people in uni because right now... Forget it.

My brother is getting married next June. We're going to China and then, I'll go to Korea alone. I'm kinda scared, but caaaaaannot wait! It's like... my current goal. My friend said I could live at her place. Yay!
But, what if I don't meet him? My friend told me there's 0.0000000000001% that I will. Which is really sad. Nonetheless, I have the feeling this is gonna be the best vacations everrrr.

This entry was posted on 10/19/12. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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