Someone complained that I didn't write enough =_=
So here I am. Lol.

These few days have been harsh.... *sigh*
I think I'm gonna apply to Vanier and Mariano but... 1st choice Vanier lolz. Even though all my friends are going to Mariano :'(
I feel like Mariano isn't the right school for me :x Meh, at least Crystal will be there ♥ T_T
(So, stalkers, you now know where I want to apply.)

Apart from that, I RECEIVED MY BOOOOK ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ KYAH. XD
I'm so freaking happy :D even though it's been a week now XD hehehehe ~~~
One happy thing in my life :)

Oh and... someone owes me something = w =
I wonder when I'll get it.... lol. *sigh*

Since Yifang did a "guy" evolution Imma do one too :D

Sec 1: *since i don't really remember who I liked in 6th grade o_o;; I think it was some American actor like Tom Cruise or something LOOOL.*

Aaron :D ~ and I think I liked Jiro too O A O;;;

Sec 2:

MIKE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Oh my, he's so cute/handsome :D

Sec 3:

Jang Geun Suk for a little while o:

Lee Jun Ki ~ the love of my life ♥

Sec 4:


Sec 5:


Well, I'm happy to say that there isn't much evolution :) hehehe ~ I liked Lee Jun Ki for almost 3 years now! :D

This entry was posted on 1/24/11. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

5 Responses to “T_T”

  1. oh gosh ki ta introduce lee jun ki hein? ;D

    pi tas des stalkers? O_o

  2. LOL mais a lepoque, jsavais po trop ct qui.... meme apres le projet xD ct apres que chuis aller en chine et que jai buy posters/collants et que jai checker Iljimae? Jai trop regrette apres de pas en avoir achete plus T____________T

    Euh........ = w =
    Jparlais de Ao = w =
    Il va surement voir ce comment aussi.... = w =

  3. Bwahaha t'as deja aimer Jiro :D :D :D *proud*

  4. LOL. jcrois que c toi qui ma contamine = w ='''
