New Year Resolutions:
1. Lose weight = w =
2. Stop procrastinating
4. Read more books.... it's been a while = w =
5. Spend more time studying lol.
6. Stop liking a certain somebody =_= (NOT LJK, he will be my love forever O:)
7. Take more pictures!!!
8. Hang out more with friends :D
9. Find a prom dress = w =
10. Stop growing =_=
Funny pictures again LOLOL. (11. Stop reading stuff like that T_T)
Archive for 2010
Christmas ~
Merry late Christmas :3
I had my X-mas party last year with my childhood friends but 2 families were missing =_= It wasn't as fun as last year but it was really funny though :D HAHAHA.
We were playing cards and the ones who lost had to do a consequence LOLOLOL. (I never lost HOHOHOHOHO >:D)
1st consequence: Eat a Cheetos (but it was.... GREEN O____O;;;;) My friend said it tasted like rust LOL.
2nd: Eat half of an orange peel LOL.
3rd: Eat instant coffee. Ew
4th: Eat .... toilet paper LOOOOOOL. HAHAHA FUNNIEST. !!!
5th: Eat a dead leaf.
Ahhhh so lucky I didn't lose = w = ~~~
Hope you all had a happy and fun Christmas :D
Can't wait til the 7th HEHE. :D
Oh btw! FFR is BACK :D
I played yesterday haha ~ fun
Oh and I finished Fugitive: Plan B finally.
But at the same time, it was one of the best ends I saw in a drama = w = ~ <3 <3 <3
Raaaaaaaaaaaaain <3
So sad he'll be enlisted for the army next year :'(
Though he's gonna do a Adieu Concert soon and a World Tour. Hopefully he'll be coming to Montreaaaaal :D
Dance rehearsaaaal.
I had to wake up at 8 this morning (yes, a SATURDAY) to practiceeeeeeee.
It killed me =_=
Oh well, I guess improved a LOT. But we still need practice D:
Unfortunately, we only got until WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY to learn it perfectlyyy. ㅠ_ㅠ
Oh well, apart from that, two of my friends came at my house today. = w =
We tried playing PS3 but there wasn't any sound dunno why D:
So we played Rockband without music, which was pretty much a fail. = w ='''
Plus, I couldn't find the drum sticks. LOL. And we played with.... ping-pong rackets........ Fail.
Why so stupid.
It's been long since I've posted on this O ^ O''
'Kay so.... yesterday, my friend told me something bad happened at her house. She was crying and all and someone (=_=) came and was like: WHATS GOING ON???
And I said something just to get her off my back. And my friend was like: DON'T TELL HER.
But I think she eavesdropped on us.... and told her friend what was she heard.
Like what's her FUCKING PROBLEM? Didn't she see my friend's reaction??? Seriously. When I asked her why she told her friend about others' problems she was like: Oh but I wasn't even sure...
Me: Okay well... WHY DID you tell her then, if you weren't even sure?? It's not even true... I just wanted you to move
Her: If it's not true it's just a rumor then.... one more, what does it change?
Me: Uh... the rumor's not even on you btw.
Her: Yeah but there's a lot of rumors on me though.
Me: .... What rumors?Her: Oh wtv. But why are you always blaming me when someone knows something?
Me: Uh... because it IS your fault. YOU told them. Okay... you've proven me twice that we can't trust you.
Her: Yeah just don't tell me anything !
And she walked away, pissed.
How funny. Of course I won't tell her anything. The whole school will hear about it.
The Fugitive: Plan B
Dr. Phil
So today I was watching a Dr. Phil show. The subject was... Women behind the Men. Hah.
The Fugitive: Plan B
Its been a week since the last post I've made.
At home, I was searching for my stickers and guess what I found.... EVERYTHING EXCEPT MY PIKACHU! I even found DRAGONBALL stickers and SPICE GIRLS stickers. LOL. WTF.

Dance like it's the last night of your life ♫
Thursday night was epic.
Halloween dance at school.
At the beginning, it was soooo lame. There was like people from... I don't know... sec. 3? who were SITTING ON THE BENCHES in the gym. Like what the f* ??? This is a DANCE, we're not in CLASS. You're not supposed to SIT. Omg =_=After half an hour, people began to dance (mostly sec.5) and it went crazy. LOL. Literally. All sec. 5s we're jumping around, sec. 2s we're doing we-don't-know-what in a corner of the gym, and the others we're just dancing.
There was a slow at the end. Heh.
We made 700$.
We got married.
*squeeeeeal* Omg. Khuntoria this week ~!! > w <
Open House
Vanier college is freaking big.
We spent 2 hours visiting and we didn't even see the whole school. @_@
Still, it's pretty awesome :)
Love Light - C.N.Blue
I'm seriously f*cking bored.
All day, what I did was .... watching a korean show named Family Outing. It's sooo good :D
You should check it out.
I realized the most perverted guys doesn't show that they are and those who show it aren't the most perverted.
Friday, I went to the library with some guys... lol. I took a Cosmopolitan and started to read. And there was that section... with 100 dirty questions about sex. I showed them, laughing.
My friend, who doesn't stop showing how much he loves porn, looked at it a moment and laughed. And that other guy, who normally doesn't show any interest, jumps besides me and started to read.
I was like... okay, if you wanna read that, take it.
And he seriously took Cosmo and walked away, reading.
Ew. =_=
94:26 minutes on the phone.
She has Bi Rain's eyes. LOL
The same friend and I decided to dress up as "bunnies" *cough* at Halloween.
One of the rare occasions where we can put any makeup.
I tried to do a smokey look and it turned out pretty nicely. *smirk* My first time. Hehe.
I'm still craving for an eye shadow palette. Rawr.